Clinical Interest
Sports / biomechanics podiatry
Foot, ankle and lower limb issues in both adults and children
Douglas Horne is a qualified podiatrist who has been registered in the UK since 1985, and is a member of the UK College of Podiatry he is also a founding member of the International Podiatrists Association of Hong Kong (IPAHK).
Doug is trained in the biomechanical assessment of the lower limb as part of his general podiatry education. Due to his involvement in a number of sports, mainly rugby union, distance running and golf, he continued his education in the prescription and production of foot orthoses and the patho-mechanics of lower limb sporting injuries. Through a number of courses over the last ten years, including residential courses with the Langer Biomechanics Group, he increased his knowledge in the sports / biomechanics podiatry field treating all types of patients from weekend ramblers to elite athletes. Learn More
Douglas Horne
Central Health DB
Humansa physio & Fitness
Raffles Medical
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Undeniable Services For The Entire Family.
Our Featured Services
For Your Needs
Well in podiatry terms just about everything from Chiropody Services, corns and calluses, warts, ingrown toenails all the way to running assessments and orthotics prescription and manufacture.

Podiatric Biomechanical Services
If you are a runner, a walker, a footballer or someone who just spends a lot of time on your feet we can assess, manage and treat things that cause you foot pain.
From postural issues to structural deformities we assess, treat and advise on the best treatment options for you. Tired legs, tight calf, knee.

Gait Analysis and Running Assessment
From Elite athletes to Weekend warriors, often one of the parts of the body which are in contact with your environment the most are your feet: so foot, knee and hip problems can be related to foot function.
Video assisted running assessment/ gait analysis can show if there are any weaknesses.

Paediatric Podiatry- Kids feet
Children’s feet are different from adults not only in size but in the fact that they are changing all the time, normal change. So we have to be very careful in assessing and treating them differently as the will change size and shape as the child grows, so what may seem to be a problem now may no longer.